person > awards & collections


Fellowship & Awards:

1984 Membership in Youth Departament of Union of Artists ofUSSR. Ekatherinburg, Russia
1986 Membership in the Fellowship for Experimental Art "Tovarishchestvo" Underground Artists of Leningrad. StPeterburg, Russia
1990 Membership in Israel's Union of Artists. Tel-Aviv, Israel
1998 Award "Honorably Mentioned" in Nikon International Photo contest Category B. Tokio, Japan

Works in Public Collections:

The Russian Museum
StPetersburg, Russia

The Museum of Contemporary Art
Moscow, Russia

Siemens A.G
Erlangen, Germany

Nikon Corporation
Tokio, Japan

The Haifa University
Haifa, Israel

The Jewish Museum of Belgium
Brussels, Belgium

"The Zionist Organisation of America" House
Tel-Aviv, Israel

The Diamond Center
Tel-Aviv, Israel

"The Museum of Nonconformist Art" Pushkinskaia 10, StPetersburg

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